Adventures in Sleep Deprived DIYing

Sleeping on the job.

The site has been growing, winter is coming and the kids are being kids, All of these things have added up to a lot of long days and restless nights. Not to fret though, lots of progress is being made!

There are a few big projects in the works including a new video series on how to build your own custom bathroom vanity. I will begin posting this series as soon as I . . . teach myself how to build a a custom bathroom vanity. For anyone who is new to this site, I am not an expert in any of the things I show videos of on this website. I’m just a dad with three kids, two boys and a wife . . . and a house that needs constant repair and upgrades.

I create my videos after lots of trial and error, to share with the you - my loyal viewers who found my site in the cracks of the intraweb, so that you can learn from my mistakes and also share some of your tips with me! (I could really use some of those!)

Now onto the the main reason of this post which is to announce the new website transfer and design. The old SWBAH website was a WordPress Site which to be honest worked well for a while, but then I began forgetting things like the password and not really updating it. It was also limited in some of the things I wanted to do like adding download files of plans and maybe even a forum in the future. So after several weeks of work, I’ve finally managed to migrate the old site along with most of its content over to SquareSpace.

So far so good - but if you experience any issue be sure to leave a comment and let me know!


Bathroom Vanity Build Part I - Building the Base