Happy New Year 2023.

The past year has been busy for the the channel. Last January I made it my goal to get this hobby channel to 1000 subscribers so I could monetize and put the money to work improving the content. One of the improvements was this new website on Squarespace to help support the channel.

Monetization doesn't amount to much for a small channel like mine, but I was hoping to offset the cost of things like memory cards, project materials, editing software subscriptions, etc. Thanks to the support of the community we crushed that goal reaching 3618 subscribers by the end of the year. In 2022 SWBAH received over 450K views, was watched for 18K hours and increased subscribers by 2,900. We monetized in June and, and now the channel generates enough money to cover some of video production costs and hosting for the new website at www.swbah.com. Make sure you check it out if you haven't already and let me know what kind of supporting content you'd like to see there.

We even had a video go viral by my standards reaching nearly 300K views.

I'm looking forward to 2023 and sharing new content with the crew. My goal for this year is to continue to grow the subscriber base with a goal of 10K by year end and to continue to invest in better content for the community. I've been rolling out some improvements based on everyone's feedback over the last couple of months and will continue to do that with the quick fix series, the educational series on FreeCAD and of course finishing up the bathroom vanity series.

I also hope to get out at least two new videos on month which will be a challenge with the kids and a full-time day job, but goals should be a challenge right :) I also hope to add a few new tools to the arsenal this year to expand on the variety of projects I can do. I might even go Gri-reen this year :) From our family to yours have a happy, healthy and productive New Year!

If there is content you’d like to see this year or just need help on one of your own projects, send us a shout!


The best tool you can get might be free.